Wednesday 1 September 2021

॥सर्वस्वं तस्य पुस्तकम्॥ His everything is a book


This is the poem which I read in the  अखिलभारतसंस्कृतकविसम्मेलनम् (The All-India Samskrta Poets Meet) that was conducted on 25th August 2021. I added the English meaning for easy understanding.

॥सर्वस्वं तस्य पुस्तकम्॥ His everything is a book

पुस्तकपठनं, तत्प्रयोजनानि
Book Reading and its advantages
प्रथमस्तावत् तदनुबद्ध-पुस्तकपठितृ-लक्षणविचारः

First of all the characteristics of a Book-Reader 

मौनी ग्रन्थैकदृष्टिश्च सदा प्रणतमस्तकः।
आत्मारामः स एकाकी स्वाध्यायनिरतस्सदा॥1
He remains silent. His eyes are only on the book. His head is always bowed. He rejoices in himself. He studies alone.

नित्यस्वान्तमयत्वं च बाह्यलोकस्य विस्मृतिः।
पुस्तके प्रीतिभावश्च ममत्वं परमोन्नतम्॥2
He is always contained within himself. Forgets the outside world. He has a lot of love for the book. And the high level belongingness remains immense.

परमव्याकुलीभावः क्षणकालव्ययेन वा।
पुस्तकाध्ययने नन्देत् रिक्तहस्तः स खिद्यते॥3
He gets very upset when even a single moment is wasted. He enjoys reading books. And when his hands are empty without a book, he is very sad.

शान्तस्थानाय चान्विष्येत् गम्भीरवदनः सदा।
अनुकूलौ देशकालौ मार्गयन् भ्रमतीह वै॥4
He keeps on searching for the place which is peaceful with a very serious face. He keeps wandering here and there in search of a favourable place and time.

प्रातः सायं च मध्याह्नं चक्षुषी तस्य पुस्तके।
शब्दाश्वारोहके भूत्वा ते च तस्मिन् हि धावतः॥5
In the morning, evening and afternoon, his eyes are fixed on the book. Climbing on a horse named Shabda (word), his eyes keep running on the book.

गेहे कार्यालये याने नदीतीरे वने रणे।
गच्छन् स्वपन् श्वसन् खादन् तिष्ठन्नुपविशन्नपि ॥6
Whether in the house, in the office, in the car, on the bank of the river, in the forest, in the war, while walking, sleeping, breathing, while eating, even while standing and sitting..

आतपः शीतता वृष्टिर्हिमपातोपि वा भवेत्।
दम्भोलिर्पततान्नाम पुस्तकैके हि मस्तकम् ॥7
Whether it is hot or cold, rain or snow, even when the lightning strikes, his head remains in the book.

मुद्रितं स्पर्शयोग्यं वा ऐपाड् वा किन्डलेव वा।
यत्किञ्चिदपि तद्भूयात् केवलं पुस्तकं भवेत्॥8
Whether it's a touchable printed book or an iPad or Kindle, whatever it is, it just be a book.

पुस्तकं मन्यते श्रेष्ठं पत्न्या अपि धनादपि ।
मित्रबान्धवपुत्राश्च कलां नार्हन्ति षोडशीम्॥9
He considers a book superior to wealth or to a wife. Friends and children do not find even the slightest resemblance to him.

पुस्तकं मम हस्तेस्तु पुस्तकं पूजये मुदा।
पुस्तकेनैव जागर्मि पुस्तकायैव जीवनम्॥10
पुस्तकादेव मत्प्राणाः पुस्तकस्यातिराधकः।(fan अतिराधकः)
पुस्तके मस्तकं मेस्तु त्वमेवाहं हि पुस्तक ॥11
इति स्तोत्रं ह्यनुनित्यं पठति श्रद्धयान्वितः।
प्राणेपि च गतप्राये ग्रन्थं संस्पृश्य जीवति ॥12
I may have the book in my hand. I worship the book with joy. I get up from the book. I live for the book. My life comes from the book itself. I am a huge fanatic of the book. May I keep my head in the book itself. O book, you are me.
He always recites such a hymn with reverence. Even though his life is about to end, he gets back to life by touching the book.

शब्दा भावा हि संसारः वाक्यान्येव हि विश्वकृत्।
पदेनार्थाः पदेभ्योर्थः पदार्थाभ्यां स जीवति॥13
Words are his world. The sentence for him is Brahma. Many meanings from one word, one meaning from many words; he lives only through words and meanings.

मन्यते पुस्तकं स्वस्य ह्येकैकं सुहृदम्महत्।
पुस्तके च पुनः प्राप्ते क्व चान्नं क्व च वै रसः॥14
He considers a book as his only great friend. Once the book is found, what food and where the water?

यावन्तः सन्ति विश्वेस्मिन् ग्रन्थागाराः सुदुर्लभाः।
वाञ्छत्ययं तु सर्वत्र निरङ्कुशसदस्यताम् ॥15
He wants autocratic membership in all the rarest libraries in this world.

अधुना पठितुः गार्ह-सामाज-आध्यात्मिक-प्रयोजनानि
Now we will look at the homely, social and spiritual advantages related to the reader.

रसनायां जयः प्राप्तः बाह्यभुक्तिव्ययो न च।
स्वास्थ्यं सुरक्षितं तिष्ठेत् चिकित्सकव्ययो न च॥16
The reader has achieved victory over the tongue. He spends not to eat outside. His health remains safe, so there is no expenditure for the doctor.

पिपासा वा बुभुक्षा वा तावद्यावन्न पुस्तकम्।
विलासभोजनायेप्सा विविधान्नस्पृहा न वा ॥17
(भोजनालये उपाहारालयादिषु)
Thirst and hunger last only until there is a book. There is no desire for luxury food, nor is there any desire for different types of food.

रात्रौ लोकः मग्ननिद्रो तदा जागर्ति पाठकः।
शुनकाय व्ययो नास्ति चोरो नायाति तद्गृहम् ॥18
Now home related purposes
When the whole world sleeps at night, the reader wakes up. There is no cost to maintain the dog and the thief does not enter his house.

पत्न्यस्मान्न बिभेत्यन्ने लावण्याद्यसमस्थितौ ।
स्थाल्यां यद्दीयते मौनं खादत्यक्षरखादनैः॥
गृहे च सर्वदा शान्तिः कलहस्य भयो न च॥19
The wife is not afraid of him not having the right amount of salt etc. in the food. He silently eats what is given in the plate, with the grains of letters.

नाधिकं भाषते चान्यैः सोदरैर्मित्रबान्धवैः।
मिथ्यावाचो भयं नास्ति चरवाण्या व्ययो न च॥20
Social purpose
He doesn't talk much more with brothers,  friends or relatives. There is no fear of lying. And there is no spending over mobile.

भीत्या पुस्तकचर्चायाः गृहं नायाति कश्चन।
न व्ययोतिथिसत्कारैरल्पाहारैश्च पानकैः॥21
No one comes to his house for fear of discussions over books. That is why there is no spending over hospitality, food, drinks etc.

विनोदस्यास्पदत्वाद्धि पुस्तकस्यैव सर्वधा ।
विहारयात्रादीनामपि नास्ति व्ययो मुधा॥22
Since the book is always the only place of time pass, there is no expenditure on traveling to diffrent places.

नरस्याभरणत्वाच्च पुस्तकस्यैव सर्वथा।
प्रसाधने ह्यलङ्कारे भूषणेषु व्ययो न च॥23
Since a book itself is an ornaments of a man, there is no spening over decorating and wearing ornaments.

भीत्रार्थभयहेतुर्न पञ्चमी न भयेन वा।
अभयं जीवलोकाय दत्त्वा चरति निःस्पृहः॥24
Spiritual purpose-
There is no Panchami(vibhakti) for fear. He moves desirelessly by giving abhaya (fearlessness)  for all the living beings.

सर्वावस्थासु देशेषु कालेषु च महीतले।
आकाङ्क्षतीदमेवायं तेन जीवामि च म्रिये॥25
In all the states of the world, places and times, on the whole earth, he desires- may I live and die with the book.

जानामि न तपो योगं ध्यानं मन्त्रं न साधनाम्।
ग्रन्थपारायणं नित्यं यावज्जीवामि भूतले॥26
I do not know any austerity, yoga, meditation, mantra or sadhana. But as long as I live in this world, I will read the book.

इतिहासपुराणानि सत्काव्यानि पठामि च।
मननं च करिष्यामि तेषामर्थान् सदा मुदा॥27
I will read itihasas, puranas and good poetry. And I will meditate on their meanings happily.

यत्र गेहे ग्रन्थधानी सा काशीति स मन्यते।
अध्येयानां च ग्रन्थानां दीर्घा सूची च निर्मिता॥28
Where there is a book-rack in the house, he believes that Kashi is there. He has prepared a big list of books to read.

यदि मृत्युर्घटेत प्रागवशिष्टेषु तेष्विह।
पुनर्मानवजन्मेच्छा तेषामध्ययनाय हि॥29
If he dies before having read those books, he wants to take a rebirth only for their study.

शब्दाह्वयेन दीपेनैवं काशयति स्वयम्।
लोकान् काशयते यस्स पठिता जयतात् भुवि ॥30
He illumines himself with a lamp called Shabda. And also illuminates the whole world. Hail to such a reader. 


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